There’s something special about working with the land. For the most part it can be very rewarding but at times it can be extremely challenging. Knowing how to combat all the trials and tribulations that a grower is faced with takes years of experience and even then the unexpected can happen…and often does.

Here at Roy Farms our family have been farming for more than 170 years, originally in the Adelaide Hills and now in Renmark, South Australia.

Our passion is fruit and in picking all fruit at it’s optimal ripeness, for either the fresh fruit market or for cutting and drying.

Roy Farms has established a brand name that is well known and trusted by the thousands of wonderful customers who get to enjoy delicious dried fruit, nuts and in recent times a fantastic range of confectionery which utilises our fruit and citrus.

If you are a new customer trying our products for the first time we hope we meet your expectations and we thank you for trying our products. To our existing customers thank you for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated. Any feedback, good or bad is welcomed, from this we can only improve on what we do.

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